1st Term 2022 Newsletter


Dear Parents and Pupils


Happy new year and welcome back to the 1st term of 2022


Thank you for all the support in 2021. It was touch and go for a few moments, but we manage to complete a huge task.  It was so very unfortunate that some students could not dance.  There will be plenty of opportunities this year. Eisteddfod, Cape Dance Festival. Western province showcase, the Baxter festival  Artscape x 2, Exams and medal tests. Possibly a Masque show!

Our studio raised R5000 for Dancers love Dogs and a full boot of Pet food.  So far our SCAD students and supporters have donated R60 000 to this amazing organisation.


Formal Dancing starts on Monday 24th January letting the students get organized first week back at school.


Attached is a grouping list and timetable.  Please private message me if you would like some guidance on classes. The timetable and grouping list and Prospectus is also on this website

We will keep the name of each class the same for now. (as it avoids confusion)


SCAD has become more eco- friendly and much more communicative with parents.  Notices get lost and important info missed, stressing out the already busy student.  I will have a Whatsapp group for each class.  If you don’t want to be bothered by moms discussing a certain topic, you can just set the Group to mute 


I hope your Dance training at SCAD will be most enjoyable


 Modern Dancing              Juniors                          Seniors

1 Lesson per week              R800                               R1200

2 Lessons per week             R1300                             R1450

3 Lessons per week             R1400                             R1700


Juniors up to and including 12 years – Seniors from 13 years & over

I highly recommend Horton classes, the results are proof and your progress is recorded – R300 per term


1st term fees are now due


1st Term Grouping and Timetable 2022


Please like our facebook page – sarah cookney academy of dance – SCAD



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